Restock ~ click here to comment

Restock ~ click here to comment

Happy #TCJMonday

Have you recovered from the hustle and bustle of the Holiday's and the rush of New Years?  I can't believe it is actually 2018 already!  Here we go!  

Paris Night Mecha

I have added 2 NEW colors to the Bestie Bandana & Bambi Cowl: Paris Night & Mix (Arapey).  Mecha can do no wrong, these colors are fabulous!  Paris Night is the original color I used to design Bambi; and now, I am so excited to finally be able to offer it! It's a deep navy that makes my heart sing!

Bambi Cowl

Mix (875 Arapey), is totally new; and, if you love the Boho-look, this is the color for you! It's a warm soft mix of many colors that blend and shift together: mauves/blues/greens/mustards....

Arapey mecha

I also restocked Grey (43 Plomo), an old'ie but a goodie! 

Bestie Bandana

Are you finishing projects from the past? Or, casting on new ones?  I am doing a combo: casting off older projects, making room for the new ones!  Next week I have a super sparkly explosion of colors & combos to show you, can't wait!

LYKKE Needle SetsLYKKE stocked up: Fixed Needles, Crochet & Interchangeables! Shop Now. FREE SHIPPING to US & Canada orders, no minimums. 

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